Hello my darlings, The summer energies brought up a lot of old stories, old belief systems, and old tapes, that most of y’all thought you’d unpacked. Me too. Sensitives and creatives were having a hell of a time this past summer because the old tapes came back – you’re not good enough, you’re not pretty enough, you’re not smart enough, you’re not talented enough – you know the ones, a sucking pool of magnetic poison seeking the radio tracers in your psyche. Once upon a time tapes such as these kept us safe, we knew where it hurt, we wanted to make sure we didn’t get hurt that way again, and developed a defense. A defense that we thought protected us from feeling that awful way ever again. And it probably did, but it also limited the experience of some of the best parts of life and living. The issue with the chosen defense, which was much needed at the time and an unconscious decision, is that the defense does not heal the wound. Over the years I’ve noticed that when a woman hits her 40’s is when the old defenses start to crumble. And that’s a good thing. You don’t want to be protecting a wound, you want to be healing a wound. and the reason you want to be healing a wound is because it hurts, and it controls your behavior, and you want to be free to view life from your perspective, not the perspective of mom, dad, boyfriend, best friend and whoever wounded you, etc. Any kind of self-help work you do is an act of self-love and it hit me the other day that self-help books are a billion dollar business. Clearly the culture, as it has been set up, is not kind. As per my guides, the point of the energies this past summer was to bring the core, unconscious wound into focus. When people really begin to see and feel how the old stories created their world and their life, they fall into a deep well of anger. Anger is an appropriate response to a boundary violation. Anger says, “STOP!” Anger says, “Get the fuck away from me!” Anger says, “They did what to me??!!” Lot’s of anger under the surface the first 2-3 weeks of October. Dodge it, avoid it, people are looking for fights, so don’t let ‘em hook you in. After this summer, quite a few of y’all are sharply aware of how you’ve been playing small at life, because you were programmed to play small. Enough of it being your fault. You ARE NOT responsible for your programming, and you can give it back. Programming = socialization = Social engineering. When I see my planet being destroyed and human beings stepped on and killed as if they were cockroaches; it makes me very, very angry. Anger is valuable: it’s red, it’s the first chakra, it’s LIFE FORCE. Anger is rooted in love. Right use of power is love made visible. I am not a mystic guide for others because I hate the way the world is set up. I do what I do because I love the planet, and the way human beings have been programmed to view self and soul makes my blood boil. My anger moves me to make changes, to align with my soul purpose in a new way. That is the biggest change I see for the month, people aligning with their soul purpose in a new way. It could be subtle, it could huge, either way it’s new and that’s exciting. And maybe a little disturbing but nothing you can’t handle, and it’s all based on an emotional choice. An emotional choice that FEELS right. And it doesn’t matter what logic tells you, you know it’s right. Given we’re in eclipse season, you can expect disruptive changes that seemingly come out of nowhere. (Trust me, they’re not) You stay grounded, and when the smoke clears, you may choose to weed the garden that is your life. Key to the first 2 1/2 - 3 weeks of October is slow down; a day at a time, a breath at a time, a moment at a time. I'm all about working with energies in much the same way I used to body surf. Feel out the current first. Most of the weeding this month is in the way you think. Positivity is making a comeback, but you need to own where you are first, otherwise the affirmation is going to create a split and you’re going to feel crazier than ever. It’s akin to the top half of you feeling happy, joyous and free but down below, oh baby it’s dark. Unlike organized religion, in witchcraft there is no split between spirit and flesh. Winning your court case is every bit as valuable as running out to pick up milk for your 95-year-old, home bound neighbor. Getting the car inspected before winter hits is every bit as valuable as cutting circle and calling in earth, air, fire, and sea to pray for all those suffering. In other words, the spiritual does not diminish the human; the spiritual is not superior to the human. Spirit needs the body to grow and evolve, body needs spirit to function, to be alive. The body is animated by spirit and spirit is always excited to get another body so it can reincarnate. Back to positivity and affirmations for a moment. Let's say you want love in your life so you say: I am loving and lovable. I am desirable, I am mysterious and magical, beautiful and brilliant, with a great sense of humor. I'm a really good partner..... Affirmations are positive statements of your being that are supposed to act as magnets for what you want in life. When they don't work it's because you've bumped into a block/wound and you have to become conscious of what that is. For instance, if I don't believe I'm worthy and deserving of love and I keep saying I'm worthy and deserving of love it's not going to work. What needs to made conscious here is why I think I'm not worthy and deserving of love. There's a story there and that story needs to be made conscious. (Last summer ring a bell?) If something comes up when you're working with affirmations and/or tapping and you can't affirm or tap around it - stop; trace the feeling and make the story around it is conscious. If you want to know how that works go here and read the one on self-love. What’s coming up for re-alignment this month, is what makes you feel the most powerless. Could be money, career, your no-account boyfriend, health, etc. When was the first time you felt this way? What was the experience (be as specific as possible) that became the seed for a wound that is still bugging you, maybe almost destroyed you, to this day? Whatever/whoever it was that made you think you were unexceptional, and dismissed was flat out wrong. Own the feeling, no matter how uncomfortable and painful it is. Sit in it, look at what they did, look at what they took from you. October is about re-claiming a powerful piece of self that was buried under lies. You may not even know her yet, but she’s there and she’s waiting for you and Goddess knows we need her! You’ll be thinking a lot about power this month. There are two kinds: structural power and personal power. Structural power is hierarchal, a few control and determine the fates of the many. Personal power is the ability to impact your life and your world in a way that benefits your soul. I hold true that right use of power is love made visible. Any act of self-help is an act of self-love and given the fact self-help books are a billion-dollar business, clearly our means of socializing human beings is incorrect. Fortunately the old women know this and are in the process of creating a template for life and living, rooted in the humane. We are living through Kali Yuga; the center no longer holds. Imagine the Earth on the ground. She’s at an angle, a ragged split cross her belly, her sides peeled back. Dark on either side, the most brilliant light is pouring out from the center; like lava it hits the ground and creates new land, invisible to the naked eye. In October you will make visible what has been invisible for most of your life. Prompts for Life in October: Step out of the argument, let them think they won. Wholeheartedly claim your sense of humor and the absurd. Move slowly, a day at a time, a moment at a time, a breath at a time. This is not a month to hurry up. And when you bump into someone who's intent on making you do what you want them to do, give 'em your best smile and say, "I need to emotionally process this because I speak with you..." Affirmations: I deeply love and approve of myself I trust my judgement I am my sanctuary Everything is always working out for me Live loud, love fierce, and suffer no fools. Kat x0x0x For readings, past life regressions, house clearings, and healings.
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Great discounts this week at GoddessHeal Mystic so scroll on down. I love love love this time of year. The minute Lughnasa hits August 1st I get what I call a giggle tickle inside me. The last 3 months, oh hell, the last year has been ridiculously bumpy for pretty much everyone I know, including me with all this medical stuff going on. Some bumps are little, some bumps are so severe they split open everything you ever held true. Globally we’re living through Kali Yuga, the center no longer holds. Individually, we’re all living through our own personal Kali Yuga’s. When the center no longer holds personally, you may find yourself sharply aware of what works and what no longer works in your life. As it’s been explained to me by my guides, the point of the bump for me, for everyone, was to shake up and break apart the mean, old stories that define us. What does that mean? Old stories? Old stories are experiences that have shaped us out of who we are and what we are capable of. Old stories, rooted in old wounds control the narrative. Consciousness as I teach it, is about making the wounds in shadow conscious. If you’d like to know how that works and why, go here…. There is structural power – one over many and you will bend to my will – and there is personal power, which is the ability to impact our life in the way that we choose. Right use of personal power is love made visible. Not hallmark card kind of love, but the real thing. Love, like the Goddess, contains all, not just the easily digestible. Any act of self-love is an act of power. Meditate on that this week. Boundaries rooted in self-love are sane and rarely pretty. Boundaries rooted in the wound, protect the wound, and keep you docile, powerless, and in prison. The guides told me the other day, the work of consciousness is supposed to be fun. Finding out what happened and the reality that we can transform it is supposed to be fun. I said, you've got to be kidding me, the very last thing I would call the work of consciousness is fun, but I am so willing to turn that idea into a reality. At least for this week. So, my loves, here is a FUN magical exercise. This week’s magick: Moon is waxing – in the craft this is the time we ritual out into the world what we want. In my experience, everyone has one core thing that bugs the shit out of them, that they can’t seem to get rid of no matter what they do. This waxing moon is about aggressively getting rid of what no longer serves you. Dance it. I’m quite serious: write down whatever it is, stick it in the middle of the floor, put on your favorite dance music and dance. Dance hard, harder. Stomp on top that piece of paper; jump on it and keep going. When you’re done, burn the paper and toss the ashes to the wind. Eat something yummy – a real meal, not a protein bar! Follow this week’s magick with this affirmation: Everything is always working out for me. Damn I’m good. ******************************************************************************************** Deals this week at Goddess Heal Mystic: 30 Minutes = $65 ….. This week $50 45 Minutes = $150 …. This week $100 60 Minutes = $175.00…This week $150 You are welcome to buy any of the above this week, Sept 8-14th, to be used within the next 4 months. To set up an appointment, click here If you're a regular, feel free to call or text. ******************************************************************************************** ....."In witchcraft flesh and spirit are not separate. Spirit animates the flesh and flesh allows spirit to grow and evolve. The humane act is what embodied spirituality looks like. Spirituality that isn't embodied is akin to a sailboat without a center board..." Katherine Manaan - Sober Witch ********************************************************************* See y'all next week! Live loud, love fierce, and suffer no fools. Kat x0x0x
A deep dive into your shadows – a culling of people, places, and things. The old frame, the old way of seeing/thinking/believing, was rent through by the eclipse. Uncomfortable desire and pressure for something completely new. What you dislike the most about yourself is something you were programmed to believe and has nothing to do with who you truly are. Generally, people stop fighting what they were programmed to believe, because it feels more powerful than the truth of who they are. Fighting the same battle over and over again is a kind of survival mechanism – there’s comfort and familiarity to it - it also keeps you small and in-line. A firm and adamant stepping away from old tapes, old battles, is THE choice now, and supported by the sacred.
Magick: Sit in the dark, sit in the empty, once a day for the next three days. Ask, what does the interconnectedness of all things mean to me? Ask how does the interconnectedness of all things manifest in my life? Ask, why am on I the planet? Hold these three questions for the next three days and know tiny steps that benefit the humane within will reveal themselves. Change or die, my darlings. Be aware when old tapes are playing; think of them as energy, see yourself guiding them away in a giant geyser of white light. Remember: Courage for the most part is simply fear with prayers. Healthy self-esteem is when you don’t come up lacking in your own eyes. Affirmations: I love and deeply approve of myself. I am willing to be willing to create and embrace radical changes in my life. Live loud, love fierce, and suffer no fools. Kat x0x0x0x ******************************************************************************************** Contact me for a reading, soul counseling, past life regressions, absentee healings, magick...... ******************************************************************************************** Goddess Heal Mystic – Back up and running!!
Hello my loves, So good to be back doing readings, healings, and writing! We are in the middle of eclipse season and Mercury is retrograde. Whoopee! I sat in the changing light of the solar eclipse on my tiny deck, closed my eyes, and gave over to the energy. What I felt most strongly was an extraordinarily powerful, magnetic pull from the earth, which in a way reminded me of the tree of life exercise. In the tree of life exercise, I drop roots from the base of my spine and my feet, deep into the earth. When earth energy starts to move through my body, my body becomes the trunk of the tree and out that trunk grow branches reaching to the side and above. Think branches everywhere. The weight of the highest branches causes them to curve over and touch the ground. That’s a complete circuit – above, below, within, without. So, I’m sitting on my deck in the light of the eclipse, held in place not by my roots, but by a magnetic pull from the earth so strong it feels like a manhole cover has been superglued to my roots. The Universe was holding me solidly in place, so I could explore the energies swirling around me from above, and there’s no question the energies were coming from above. I was shown an exercise with which I use to end workshops. I’d have everyone hold hands and think about what we all had in common. Major love flows through the hand-held circle, floods the room, floods each of us. We are merged, there is no boundary, we’re all crying, and it feels fucking amazing. Then I’d say – now feel what makes you unique – and the flowing energy of what we all have in common, screeched to a halt. It happens every time, followed by someone saying, that sounds like ego to me. Poor ego, let’s call him Edgar, he’s gotten the worst rap ever. When I first got into the great work of knowing self, I was taught ego was bad. I was taught that ego wants light but can’t have it so it’s always going to be trying to steal yours. This is why ego is bad and you need to get rid of it and I remember thinking, who the hell came up with this? According to Wise Joe, my former therapist, in Jungian theory a woman is anima, and the man is animus. Woman as anima needs to develop her animus and man as animus needs to develop his anima. This is the work of consciousness, hopefully resulting in an embodied sacred marriage between the two. Where I differed with Joe is I think human beings are born with both anima and animus. In Witch theory, the God serves the Goddess, not as slave but as partner. I think of the animus as ego - the sacred masculine; and the soul as anima- the sacred feminine. Ego can not only be harnessed to serve the light, it’s supposed to be harnessed to serve the light. My writing gifts are of the Goddess; the fact that I write daily to hone these gifts and write queries and pitch people to get the work out into the world, is of the God. One of my first learnings in the craft was the God is the right arm of the law, and the only law is LOVE. The Goddess was, is, and will ever be LOVE. Patriarchy and his favorite elder son – rapacious capitalism- is what ego serving ego looks like. War is what ego serving ego looks like. The utter lack of humanity that you can’t help but witness on a daily basis is what ego serving ego looks like. The tainted ego serves what man and his kind created. It does not serve what was freely given: a planet that supports our lives and the sacred that lives in each of us. The gifts that make you unique were freely given. Your sacred masculine/ego/animus, are with you and supposed to be used as a tool to make the gifts conscious. The question in the coming months for ALL signs is: How do I feel my uniqueness, as strongly as what I have in common, with other human beings? This question represents a HUGE SHIFT in the collective, because it’s not about improving self; it’s about coming into self. The true self. I’m hearing very loudly that the changes, due to eclipse season, in everyone’s life and the world, are triggering this shift, I'm hearing: “Enough with what did I do wrong, and what did I do to create this, and how do I make amends, and how do I fix this These are old questions and will always get you the same answers. Break the frame.” And now I’m asking - how do y’all feel your uniqueness, as strongly as what you have in common, with other human beings? Scatter notecards all through your home with the question written on it, and let me know what happens. ******************************************************************************************** Mercury went retrograde in Aries, April 1st and goes direct April 25th. It’s a perfect time for spring cleaning. Do what you can to stay calm because with any mercury retrograde in Aries, people are going to be demanding, and rude, and WTF is wrong with you, and in put- down-mode. And as you’re biting the inside of your cheek not to react, ask yourself: How do I feel my uniqueness, as strongly as what I have in common, with other human beings? Then take one shoe off and walk away. Humor and more humor. ******************************************************************************************** Mid-April Magick: Affirmation: I deeply love and approve of myself. Moon is waxing, full on Tuesday, April 23rd. Waxing or not, it’s an internal time. Journal. Think world building and how would you do that? Practice jumping out of a reality you don't like, into a reality you love. Do what you can to stay out of other people’s bullshit (ask the question). Spring clean and love the people you love even more. If you’re planning on launching a product, go over the presentation, the query, and wait until after the 25th to send it out. If you’re currently negotiating something, hold out for what you want and if you’re signing anything go over it with a fine-tooth comb. Meditation is well aspected for all signs this week. Sit down, close your eyes, and drop root. ******************************************************************************************** Goddess Heal Mystic – Discounts 60 minute readings are: $160 through May. The usual price is $180 so it’s quite the savings. You are perfectly welcome to buy a reading ahead of time (at the sale price) to use later, but you have to use it within three months of purchase. I look forward to hearing from everyone! Blessed Be. Contact Kat __ Live loud, love fierce, and suffer no fools. Kat x0x0 ![]() You know the one where self-knowledge is compared to an onion? Each little bit of awareness peels yet another layer away till you get to the core. Sometimes I think I must be the world’s largest onion because there always seems to be another layer and I keep hitting core and then next thing I know I’m in a new onion. My therapist Wise Joe used to tell me the work of knowing self was eternal and it just infuriated me. “I want this done,” I’d yell, “I don’t want to do this anymore!” And Joe would nod and give me a look that said, “You may as well try and fight gravity.” At 66 though I can’t imagine living any other way. I love my life, I love me beyond all reason, and no, it’s definitely not all kumbya, and yes I have downs like you wouldn’t believe, but I am part of something mystical, magical, and so much bigger than me it takes my breath away, when I feel it in my quiet moments. I know what it is to reach for the sacred; it’s a whole other thing when I feel the sacred reach for me. Both are equally important. 2018 has been rough for most of my beloved clients and for me. Stop, start, back, forth, fear, money insecurity, political terror, addiction issues, health issues, why, why, why, and layers have come off and rose colored glasses have been forced off, taking everyone closer to their core. More and more women are walking the path of the seeker and refusing to accept a spirituality that is little more than a kinder, gentler Judeo-Christian tradition. The point is you're not a slave to God/Goddess and you're not supposed to be. The God/Goddess of the Witches, wants us fully actualized, standing shoulder to shoulder; co-creating and using our sacred will, which is a piece of the assertive power that lives in all of us. That power becomes a tool of the divine when will serves the soul - Goddess - and Her ways. The Gemini full moon is about groking your new found truths of 2018. Raw as they may be, they are the soil of the boundary setting that is part and parcel of the you, the authentic woman coming into focus. Keep in mind, new skin is tender. Some one may say something, or you may witness something, that punches all your buttons. Walk the fuck away. Go beat pillows, go cry, go clean something out. And if what punched your buttons is a who and wants to “talk about it,” say, “let me get back to you.” You have more important things to do right now. This Gemini full moon falls at zero degrees Gemini. It is the point before the beginning, before time, and the home of the Goddess Anu. In this place, you rest in the deep blue waters of pure potential. Take a moment this full moon to feel your creative potential and raw truth. Feel the essence of wondrous possibilities without giving them shape. Feel the sacred reach for you. The Samhain season is coming to an end. We are now in the valley of a building wave - the rebirth of the Sun at Winter Solstice. Possibility will be born into shape and form to be raised by you, the loving creatrix and parent, the mother Goddess of your own life and destiny. Live loud, love fierce, and suffer no fools. Kat x0x0x0 FULL MOON MAGICK: Write down everything you're grateful for. Bath, shower in gratitude. Then write down the essence (not the shape) of what you want. Sit with what it feels like. End with, "Thy will through mine, Lady. So mote it be." Now put on some music and dance. x0x0x0 K ![]() I’ve been feeling pretty awesome recently, I love me, I love being alive, I love my friends, I love where my writing is going and I’m pretty sure I will have representation soon. For me, that’s THE dream come true and I’ve been trying on that reality a lot. Have you ever tried on the emotional reality of having something you really want? It is the most astounding feeling in the world, but there’s a double-edged sword quality to it and that double-edged sword quality perfectly captures the upcoming energy of the solar eclipse. Where there is I-am-wonder-woman (wonder man) -I-can-do-anything –energy, there is also I’m-not-good enough energy. Everything contains it’s opposite, not in terms of opposing but in terms of complement. To cut one from the other for the sake of being positive is not positive at all; it reduces you to either or, I am either this or that. Wholeness says you are both: you can be a raging bitch, (son of a bitch) and you can be the kindest, most helpful inspiring person on the planet. One does not negate the other because as I wrote earlier everything contains its opposite, not in terms of opposing but in terms of compliment. What life demands is learning right use of our feelings. Sometimes you will bump into situations that demand the no-nonsense boundary setting of a raging bitch (s.o.b.). Sometimes there will be situations that demand the mirroring qualities of the moon mother/ good father God. Containing all that we are is what wholeness is. Now back to the eclipse. A great way to use this energy is to imagine/feel yourself having everything you want. Emotionally try on that reality; kick it up high, kick it up higher. Now be aware of its dark opposite. In between the two is a needle eye opening. As you sit with the opposites; the eye is going to widen. Feel yourself slip through it to the other side. Take a breath and exhale. You may feel a little shaky, that’s okay. From this place you’re going to say the following nine times: “She fades to grow Returns to return Seeds of beauty she sows….” Then say nine times: “I fade to grow Return to return Seeds of beauty I sow…” Write down your intention(s). With this kind of energy you want to get to go for the essence of your intention, rather than the form. To do that you boil down the desire in much the same way you boil down soup to get the perfect broth. What’s do you need to get what you want? Inspiration? Courage? More love? Self esteem? Ease? Financial security? Health? Healing around someone or something in particular? Then say: Windows of opportunity open, open, open to me Bring me __________ (whatever is it you want) So mote it be. Try on the emotional reality of what you want. Sit with it a bit, then say, “This is or something better,” and release. Wow. Some kind of powerful huh? I am loving all of you deeply, Kat x0x0x0 ![]() The Mother Goddess has recovered from the arduous birth of the sun at Yule. The light of the longer days awakens her. She stretches, hears her son, the growing God, running up and down the hall with the greyhounds. She smiles. She can feel his warmth from her bed. Deep within the earth, the Grandmother feels the slight quickening of the seeds in the ground around her. “The God is young, but He’s getting stronger,” She thinks. “Grandmother?” The maiden asks. She fixes her rheumy eyes on her granddaughter, stirring life’s mysteries in Her cauldron. “Yes, child,” She says. “It is time.” The Maiden very carefully stops stirring; she taps the wooden spoon on the side and waits. The Grandmother peers into the swirling blue and green mists. “Slowly,” She says, “there is no hurry.” The maiden carefully inserts the spoon into the energy and begins to stir in the opposite direction from before— clockwise. “Return to return,” the Maiden croons. Waking whispers of the coming spring rise out of the mists and enfold her. Soon she will journey to the surface. ******************************************************************************************** Imbolc is a sabbat, a festival of light and fertility and a fire celebration, of purification. In my experience there is a subtlety to Imbolc, unlike a sabbat like Beltane (May Eve). When I still had a small garden, in February I’d clear out the beds and cut back whatever needed cutting back. Most of the gardeners I knew cut everything back in the fall but I never did. I also left the fallen leaves because I knew it was better for the earth and the winter survival of her little creaturas. It wasn’t a huge task cleaning out the beds, it wasn’t overwhelmingly strenuous and exhausting, but this quiet, small action prepared the beds for that which I would soon be planting and that which (hyacinths, daffodils, bleeding hearts) would be returning. In other words, this quiet, small action was a determining factor in the health of that year’s garden. Imbolc is a powerful time to burn away something that is of no benefit to the garden of you. It can be a person, a place, or a thing. Nine times out of ten, what we have in our lives that we don’t want is a direct result of low self-esteem, which is rooted in our programming and socialization. So you might try writing low self esteem on a piece of paper, hold it in the flame of a candle with hot dog tongs, and when it catches drop it in a burning pot; either a cauldron, a clay pot, or a pasta pot works quite well. Say: I bless and release you from me. Follow with affirmations. I deeply love and approve of myself – all of me. I am fearless in my pursuit of my truth. I am grateful for the gift of creation I am magnetic and receptive to my deepest and highest good. I am loved beyond all reason. The burning and the affirmations will begin to change the course of the river. If you’d like to go further with the exercise, before the burning, chant to Ganesha, three times round the mala beads. I have written the chant as it sounds, not as it’s spelled. OM SHREE GA NESH SHA YAY NA MA When you’re finished chanting, say the following, which I have adapted from a spell by Silver Raven Wolf. At this moment there is no tomorrow There is no yesterday There is only today Ganesha come to me I have clothes on my back, food to eat. and a place to stay Ganesha come to me I am perfectly ok Ganesha come to me I am one with the Universe and the Universe provides for magnetic, receptive me in every way Ganesha come to me At this moment there is no tomorrow, there is no yesterday, there is only today. I have clothes on my back, food to eat, and a place to stay. I am perfectly ok. The universe provides for me in every way. Ganesha, come to me, come to me. This is true as I will and as I say. So mote it be. (clasp hands together in front of you) Aim clasped hands to the right and say....In peace Aim clasped hands in front of you and say....In harmony Aim clasped hands to the left and say...In truth Bring hands together in prayer position and say...In love With your hands in prayer position say.... Ganesha Rain your blessings down upon me Life all obstacles within and around me to confidence and healthy self-esteem Then push your hands up into the air and bring them apart say... I am the source of loving and being loved. So mote it be. ************************************************************************************* Follow with affirmations: I deeply love and approve of myself – all of me. I am fearless in my pursuit of my truth. I am grateful for the gift of creation I am magnetic and receptive to my deepest and highest good. I am loved beyond all reason. ************************************************************************************* The fires of Imbolc represent our light and our warmth, our illumination and inspiration. Brigid is the Goddess of Imbolc, which makes perfect sense because She is the Goddess of inspiration and creativity. On the eve of Imbolc, Brigit walks the earth, so if you want to leave a piece of clothing outside for her blessing, do. Brigit is one of the ancient Mother Goddesses of Ireland. When the church began to convert the British Isles, they couldn’t shake the peoples’ faith in her so they made her a saint. I'm still irritated over that and that so few people know the truth! Have a great Imbolc my dears and as ever: Live loud, love fierce, and suffer no fools. Katherine Manaan ![]() It's July and it's hot and I thought it was the right and perfect time for a Buddhist prosperity chant. I love Buddhist chants; they're calming, clarifying and enormously effective. In my experience a very simple altar works best. This is the chant: OM VASUDHARE SVAHA This is how you pronounce the chant: OM WA SU DHA REI SWA HA And here's a youtube link if you'd like to hear the chant. It is recommended that you do the chant 800 times the first time, and 108 times three times a day after that. If you have mala beads, there are 108 beads per strand. Though 800 repetitions is suggested the first time you do the chant, I go around the mala 8 times so I'm actually doing more. I'm still here, I didn't explode, so I'm sure it's fine. Enjoy. Much love, Kat Summer magick is big magick. Dream big — life changing big — and work specifically. When I say work specifically, I'm talking about the nuts and bolts work — it may not feel wildly mystical but it works. June 4th is new moon; June 20th is summer solstice and full moon. That’s a tremendous amount of power available to you. For this spell you will need mala beads. If you don’t have any I strongly suggest you get some. Mala beads are one of my very favorite magick tools.
First be very clear about what you want. One thing only, A new home, a new job, a new life, a new love? Write it down on a note card. Then write down what’s intrinsic to your desire. For instance, a small home, a cozy home, an easily affordable home? A job where you have your own hours, where the people respect you? A job that pays the bills but doesn’t sap your strength for other things? A small company? A large company? A love who’s been around and knows how special you are? A love who’s humor is simpatico with yours? A love who’s astounding in bed? You get the idea. Get it all written down on a note card. Take your time. Don’t rush this part of the process. The more specific you are, the more powerful the magick. Read the note card first thing in the morning, at lunch and last thing before you got to bed. Twice a day sit down with your mala beads and say the following; “I am receptive to and easily magnetize the right and perfect opportunities for the right and perfect job.” If it’s love you seek say, “I am receptive to and easily magnetize the right and perfect opportunities to meet the right and perfect partner.” If it’s a home you seek say, “I am receptive to and easily magnetize the right and perfect opportunities to find the right and perfect home.” You hold the bead, say the affirmation, move onto the next bead, say the affirmation and so on and so on around until you’ve worked your way once around the malas. Again you will do this twice a day. Outside of the malas and the note cards, you might want to do some affirmations. "I give myself permission to have what I want," is always a good one. As are "I am loving, lovable, and desirable," and "The angels bring harmony into my life." As for the mystical, there is something delicious about walking at sunrise or sunset during this time of year. I'm pretty sure I've seen the hooves of the Green Man poking out from under the boxwoods, the sweet sheer color of Tatiana's scarves, and fey folk peering down at me from tree branches. The more pragmatic nuts and bolts work I do, the more I am opened to the mystical. And that my darlings is the delicious alchemy of the opposites. Much love, Kat |